
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The First Annual Urban Coop Tour

View or our day yard and coop entrance
We used all re-purposed materials for our except chicken wire

Have you heard of a historic tour of homes? Well move over historical society, there is a new nest in town! To my delight, in early spring I entered our coop to be on a tour of urban coops in the city of Tacoma. This ingenious ideas was hatched by Lisa at Gardensphere, where I buy my organic feed. This tour de Poulet was the first annual urban coop tour in Tacoma and yesterday, was a landmark day in the world of urban chicken keeping.

We spent the sunny, warm day, in our back yard with our hens, talking and educating folks about keeping chickens in the city. We had hundreds -YES HUNDREDS- of people from all walks of life, come asking questions, learning and enjoying our flock of 7 hens. We shared our coop building tips, critter control stories, what to do if they get sick, we talked of breeds and of course the sheer goodness of eating home grown eggs! It was a delightful day. What made it wonderful was not only were there beginners on the tour, but also experienced chicken people who just wanted to see other coops, share information and have fun!

Gardensphere made maps with nine different coops all over our city for people to visit. If folks visited all 9 and got their stamps at each place, they could redeem their maps and recieve a 15% discount for a starter coop kit. Now that is just plain cock-a-doodle fun! Thanks Gardensphere!


  1. Wow...Heather you have the luckiest chickens in the world! LOL I'd like to hang out in this lovely spot. ;D Thanks for sharing this delightful post.

  2. If I lived in your part of the world, I would have been on that tour! We wanted chickens, but our city passed a by-law that prohibits it! I think it's awesome!
