
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Simple Woman's Day Book Nov. 2011 Entry


Nov. 2, 2011

Outside my window...It is an amazing day here in the Pacific Northwest the air is cool and crisp the sun is shining. I feel the nostalgia of the Fall season.

I am thinking... about how it has been so long since I have blogged. That life is full of unexpected changes and that there are many, many gifts that I am grateful for in my life.

I am thankful for...Hot apple cider in big mugs. Our wood burning stove with firewood chopped and stored. The last of my home grown tomatoes- farewell…till next summer. Lots of art supplies. My bible.

From the learning rooms... we are trying to work through colds and sniffles not so fun. We are accomplishing some work so I can’t complain.

From the kitchen... This is the time of year for homemade soups, turkey barley and lentil with kielbasa are on the menu this week for lunch.

I am wearing... the usual comfy clothes with socks to keep my feet warm

I am creating... not much these days. I am trying to sketch at least once a week and I am currently partially done with a sketch called Falls treasures with things I found on a walk one day.

I am going... to see the movie The Help tonight with a friend

I am reading...Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, The Scarlet Pimpernel.

I am hoping...for a spiritually meaningful holiday season

I am hearing...lots of coughs, sneezes, moans and groans from my loved ones, I don’t like the cold and flu season

Around the house...we have been upgrading, fixing, and puttering around doing all those little things that at some point add up. It feels good to cross things off the list as the winter season approaches.

One of my favorite morning time with the Lord and my husband.

A few plans for the rest of the week: I hope to attend a theater production of Pride and Prejudice at a local playhouse and have a dinner with my brother and his family

Here is picture thought I am sharing... wonderful Fall scene

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  1. Yes, we love the smells of yummy soups & stews on fall & winter days ~ & the taste! That apple cider sounds delicious, too. Oh, I would so enjoy seeing a live production of P& favorite book & movie (the 5-hr, Colin Firth version, of course).

    Thanks for stopping by the Pantry. Your blog is so lovely & homey.

    Blessings from Ohio...Kim<><

  2. You're way on the other side of the country from me! Our weather hasn't been too bad, still in the 70's and 80's but breezy and nice. That lentil with kielbasa sounds delicious, I'll have to try it!

    Hope ya'll are feeling better soon. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a blessed week.

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying, "hello"! I love meeting and blogging with new friends!

    I will certainly agree that Fall is very nostalgic - I just love the feel and smell of a cool, crisp Fall day - there's really nothing in the world like it!

    Your soup sounds delightful - I would love the recipe! It will be very comforting for your little ones with colds and sniffles.

