
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Joy Dare Day 2

A gift outside, inside on a plate...

This winter has proven to be a gift outside for me. Here in the Pacific Northwest the long gray days can wear on a girl. But this year God has been so kind and orchestrated many days without rain. Days with blue sky and crisp cold. I will take these even the overcast days with no rain any day of the week. I am so grateful it has allowed me to be outdoors more which is good for my overall peace of mind, health and spirit.

Inside, a gift we have had for many years is our wood stove. It is beautiful. And gives us such a warm cozy feeling. I am always content with the wood stove and a cracking fire inside.

A gift on my plate is nutritional food. I am so grateful to live in a country with so many food sources and options. To be able to provide good wholesome food to my family is a wonderful gift and one I often overlook.

Three Graces from people I love...

Today I was late getting my daughter and friends. They were so gracious even the hostess who had them late was cheerful and gracious to me and my lateness.

My husband is so kind to me. His love language is acts of service and I am so grateful for all the skills and now-how that God has given to him I don't believe I have ever had to call a repair man of any kind to fix things in our home.

The grace of prayer. I have many people in my life who pray for me and my family. Nothing is better than that.

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